The Never Ending Median

What good is a ship afraid to sail from its own shore?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sleep is for Wussies

My very favorite part of going to college and managing a bar/nightclub? The nights I start to get tired and I realize that I still have roughly 42 hours to stay awake for. Yes! I vow that I will never take summer school again. To everyone who said "it's a little extra work to do in a 6 week period, but it gets classes out of the way," and then smiled to my face........Childbirth is uncomfortable, but it's not that bad. yeah. Never again. I have consumed my body weight in Mountain Dew in the past 48 hours. And all I am "Dewing" (delerious-he he) is X-treme studying. Now that would be a good commercial. Call me market reps. I need the money for law school.


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