Who Reads Blogs?
I'm back. Yep. Took my little hiatus and feel a little more at ease now. But alas, I am back with some stories. First off, I guess it's time for a major shoutout guys. Hey everyone who I haven't talked to in years and is super freaked out right now after stumbling onto my blog. (Makes a little sense now why I missed the 10 year right?) And, I want everyone to know that I have not lost my mind in being so open about my life, just needed to share when I was ready. But, Andrea, thank you so much for the words of encouragement. It really made my day more than you'll ever know. Girl Scouts truly are down for life. Who knew? But, due to the fact that I still plan on being the first female President while being on a steady run on Broadway, hey, I might as well get this all out there first and beat the mudslingers to it. And, it is rather theraputic.
However, I guess I should share a couple of other things so it doesn't look like I have set sail on the crazy boat to venture across the Sea of Sad. I am currently a poli-sci major and I manage a bar in the downtown area. I plan to move to my Mecca (if ya know me, ya know where) within the year to complete my degree, dominate the nightclub scene, and get married. The school, the clubscene, and the guy aren't all on board yet, but being me, gravy baby. Not too scared to go for what I want. I will however settle for getting the degree. But, that's the scene here. Start summer school on Tuesday and plan to head for Europe this August to go clear my head so I can go into Rocky mode prior to my "Next Bold Move."So now, back to general blogging and bitching. Thanks guys, when you've been gone out in the world for awhile, sometimes you lose sight of home. Ya'll made me remember.
However, I guess I should share a couple of other things so it doesn't look like I have set sail on the crazy boat to venture across the Sea of Sad. I am currently a poli-sci major and I manage a bar in the downtown area. I plan to move to my Mecca (if ya know me, ya know where) within the year to complete my degree, dominate the nightclub scene, and get married. The school, the clubscene, and the guy aren't all on board yet, but being me, gravy baby. Not too scared to go for what I want. I will however settle for getting the degree. But, that's the scene here. Start summer school on Tuesday and plan to head for Europe this August to go clear my head so I can go into Rocky mode prior to my "Next Bold Move."So now, back to general blogging and bitching. Thanks guys, when you've been gone out in the world for awhile, sometimes you lose sight of home. Ya'll made me remember.
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