I am not meant for optimum health..........
I decided to quit smoking a while back, and since I have been out of smokey bars and clubs, I thought, "why not do it now?" a few days ago. I also thought I would do my body a favor, and detox it. A lil seaweed, some pommegranite, no soda, no liquor........the works. Funny thing, i have always said some people are cut out for that which is hardcore. For instance, look at athletes who do an enhancement drug a couple times and keel over on the field. I maintain, the body is a well oiled machine, no matter what. My car runs on gasoline, and I know that I can go fill the tank with koolaid, but the results will not be good. Those athletes have trained to premium health, so throwing in that which is foriegn is crazy. How does this apply to me? Well, I could snort an eightball, drink a half bottle of Jager, and smoke a pack of cigarettes and still go on my morning walk, but apparently, my body is rejecting that which is good for me. I am sick. My lungs feel as though they are crystalizing, my skin is pale and breaking out, my body is achy, and my pee smells very weird and is an odd color. (Yes, that is too much information.) So, I asked my doctor what was wrong and apparently this is just part of switching from my Garbage Pale Kid lifestyle to a healthier one. Lovely. I guess I was naive. I thought if I ran so well so full of crappy toxins, healthy me might harness the power to possibly fly, but not yet. For now, I just cough up tar.
At 2:20 PM,
pinknest said…
cheers to the detox. the nytimes just had a story on that crazy fasting detox drink...the cayenne pepper, lemon juice, maple syrup thingo. did you see it? it freaks me out.
At 12:30 AM,
Dejenerate said…
That just sounds scary altogether!
At 4:19 PM,
Tanya Kristine said…
pishaw on detoxing...i fasted once for 7 days. 7DAYS! it hurt.
At 4:06 PM,
Bootney's Misguided Life said…
You are your mind but not your body. Respect your Body and it shall respect your mind. Time heals all wounds even the physically intenal ones so take the time to allow your mind to respect your body and in about a month or two they will get along.
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